I Worry.

Grace Confession – I Worry.
I confess! I am not perfect. To help encourage you, I have started this new blog/email called “Grace Confessions of a Pastor.” I will share my vulnerabilities, weakness and general screw-ups and how I have dealt with them, from God’s perspective of Grace, so I can be more like Jesus in my life.  After all, that’s what Grace is. God’s gift of love in spite of our screw-ups.

Grace Confession #1 – I worry.

“What? Pastor Bryan? No way do you worry. You are the one who constantly reminds and encourages not to worry. No way do you worry.”

I know, to you I look like a well oiled machine that is ready at an instant to deal with all of life’s challenges with the whole armor of God and never worry. I know, Right? Yeah, not so much. I confess to you that I worry about everything, from the very big to the very small. There is not one day that goes by that I don’t worry about what I will wear, do we have enough groceries, do I have gas in the vehicle, can we pay the rent, can we afford the utilities, have I offended someone, is someone mad at me, did I say the right things, did I remember someone’s birthday, did I forget to return a phone call, did I bounce a check and the list can go on and on. Yeah…I worry!

The sad thing is, even knowing God’s truth on this matter, I don’t always stop and give it to God first and let Him give me an answer on it.

6-7 Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down.
It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.” Philippians 4:6 (MSG)

There it is right in God’s Word. But I confess, many times I worry through all the different horrible scenarios before I stop and gather my senses to pray. That’s my Grace confession. Well, that’s the confession. The grace part is that God just keeps loving me deeper into His arms through His word and His people. I mess up but I am inching closer to Him even in my imperfections. Today, I actually turn to Him much quicker than before. When I sense I am worrying about money I will begin to praise Hime for what I do have and what He has promised that He will do. God honors my imperfect faith by His Grace!

This Sunday I will be talking about Imperfect Faith. Do you doubt? Are you afraid? Do you wander if you are actually doing it the way God wants you to do it? No Fears! God honors Imperfect Faith! Join me Sunday to find out exactly how @ 9 & 10:30a!

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